In This Series
- Dealing with Challenges on the Road
- Lessons from the Road
- The King Arrives
- Pastoral Comissioning
- Easter - Love on the Line
- The Struggle is Real - Mighty Part 1
- The Good Report - Mighty Part 2
- Get out of the Boat - Mighty Part 3
- Leaving a Legacy of Love
- Living a D6 Life
- Wait for It
- Complete in Christ
- How do You Deal with Disappointment?
- What do you do when the walls are down?
- What do you do when you need a breakthrough?
- God Positions Us
- What do you do when you get beaten?
- What's the real work going on?
- How do you respond to a brother in crisis?
- What do you do when the hits just keep coming?
- What's with all the numbers?
- Who is writing the story?
- How do we stray from God?
- What if...?
- Undeserved Mercy
- The Power of One
- The Power of a Good Introduction
- Hello, My Name Is ____________.
- Seeing the Needs of Others
- The Tale of Two Pharisees
- God at Work
- Beyond Borders
- Making Space for Jesus
- Getting Perspective
- A Picture of Grace
- As Good as They Say
- Thanksgiving
- The Giving Manger
- Christmas In the Eyes of A Child
- Christmas Around the World **Musical**
- Filled with Anticipation
- All Things New
- But Wait! There's More!
- Do you Want to Get Well?
- Living a Blessed Life
- Faith, Hope, and Love
- It's More than Hearing
- Jesus Invites Us!
- The Bread of Life
- What do you do when Jesus says something you don't like?
- You have a purpose!
- Which side of hope are you on?
- Am I repeating myself?
- An Unlikely Choice
- Life Choices
- Caught Red Handed
- The Light
- Where The Rubber Meets the Road
- A Cliffhanger
- Spiritually Blind
- The Voice
- Come Holy Spirit
- Seeing more than is there
- Death is Life
- There is Hope
- Godly Parenting
- If
- Stay the course
- God has it covered
- What does Jesus pray for me?
- A Perspective on Peter pt1
- A Perspective on Peter pt2
- Unfiltered Sight
- Make Ready
- Who I Am
- The Once and Future King
- A Hunger for God
- 12 Lessons from John
- It Starts with the Heart
- Immediate Obedience
- Complete Dependence
- Firstfruit Blessings
- Investing Eternally
- You're on the Team
- Dreams for the Future
- Driven by Eternity
- Transformed
- Give God Thanks
- Jesus Changes Things
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
- Come thou long expected Jesus
- The Soul felt it's Worth
- Immediate Obedience pt2
- Hallelujah!
- Immediate Obedience pt3
- Connected
- The Mysteries of God's Mercy pt1: Running from God
- The Mysteries of God's Mercy pt2: How God works in Storms
- The Mysteries of God's Mercy pt3: Who's my Neighbor
- The Mysteries of God's Mercy pt4: When God needs your Attention
- The Mysteries of God's Mercy pt5: Another Run at it
- The Mysteries of God's Mercy pt6: The Rest of the Story
- The Mysteries of God's Mercy pt7: The Character of Compassion
- A Spirit-Empowered Church
- Encounter Jesus
- Experience Transformation
- Express our Faith
- Jesus and the Crowd
- Letters from Prison pt1: Buckets we Carry
- A Beautiful Gospel
- Letters From Prison pt. 2: Make My Joy Complete
- Letters From Prison pt 3: Mumbling and Grumbling
- Letters From Prison pt 4: How to Live a Joyful Life
- Next Gen: A Wake-Up Call to the Church
- Letters From Prison pt. 5: Why Can't You Be More Like Your Brother?
- Day of Pentecost
- Missions: Chi Alpha Campus Ministry at Rutgers
- Letters From Prison pt. 6: The Windmills of My Mind
- Letters From prison pt. 7: Give it All to Jesus
- Letters From Prison pt. 8: Jesus Only
- Letter From Prison pt. 9: Raised With Christ
- Missions: Argentina
- Letters From Prison pt. 10: Take Off the Old, Put On the New
- Letters From Prison pt. 11: Life Together
- Living in Babylon pt. 1: Grace and Truth
- Living in Babylon pt. 2: Sanity Restored
- Living in Babylon pt. 3: Stand Firm
- All Included
- Living in Babylon pt. 4: Your Reason for Hope
- This Is Us pt. 1: A Place to Belong
- This Is Us pt. 2: I'm Doing This on Purpose
- This Is Us pt. 3: Samson-Big, Strong, Dumb
- This Is Us pt. 4: On a Mission for God
- This Is Us pt. 5: A Horse With No Name
- To the Ends of the Earth: Missions Celebration 2019 - Zollie Smith
- To the Ends of the Earth: Safety, Fear or Faith
- The End Of The World As We Know It
- His Gospel
- Thanks And Giving pt 1: In Every Circumstance
- Thanks And Giving pt. 2: Putting the Giving in Thanksgiving
- Advent-A Joyful Hope pt. 1: Arrival
- Advent-A Joyful Hope pt. 2: In Christ
- Advent-A Joyful Hope pt. 3: Becoming John the Baptist
- Advent-A Joyful Hope pt. 4: The Joy Mary Carried
- Tis A Season
- Four Cups pt. 1: God's Promise of Salvation
- Four Cups pt. 2: God's Promise of Deliverance
- Four Cups pt. 3: God's Promise of Restoration
- Four Cups pt. 4: God's Promise of Fulfillment
- Redemption
- Pray Like This pt. 1: The Lord's Prayer
- Pray Like This pt. 2: The Secret Place
- Pray Like This pt. 3: Without Ceasing
- Pray Like This pt. 4: The Challenge of Unanswered Prayer
- Expectation and Anticipation
- No Fear
- Living Hope pt. 1
- Living Hope pt. 2: Be Holy
- Living Hope pt. 3: Joy in Suffering
- Holy Week Unwind - Palm Sunday
- Holy Week Unwind - Monday
- Holy Week Unwind - Tuesday
- Holy Week Unwind - Wednesday
- Holy Week Unwind - Maundy Thursday
- Holy Week Unwind - Good Friday
- Holy Week Unwind - Holy Saturday
- Holy Week Unwind - Easter Sunday
- Easter: The Best Day Ever
- Holy Week Unwind - Holy Monday
- Unusual Times
- God's Promises pt. 1
- God's Promises pt. 2
- God's Promises pt. 3: Light of the World
- God's Promises pt. 4: Straight Paths
- God's Promises pt. 5: Abundant Life
- God's Promises pt. 6: The Essential Church
- God's Promises pt. 7: God's Plan
- God's Promises pt. 8: God Intended It For Good
- God's Promises pt. 9: Desires of Your Heart
- God's Promises pt. 10: Secret to Contentment
- It Is Finished
- State of the Church Address
- The Summer of the Other pt. 1
- The Summer of the Other pt 2.: Inconvenient Love
- The Summer of the Other pt. 3: How God Sees You
- The Summer of the Other pt. 4: Stolen Identity pt. 1
- The Summer of the Other pt. 5: Stolen Identity pt. 2
- The Summer of the Other pt. 6: Freedom in Forgiveness
- The Summer of the Other pt. 7: What Would You Do?
- Stuck In The Middle
- Acts pt. 1: Getting The Picture Right
- Acts pt. 2: Logos, Pathos, Ethos
- Acts pt. 3: Expectancy
- Acts pt. 4: Waiting
- Acts pt. 5: Within Us
- Owning The Mission
- Acts pt. 6: What Now?
- Pass The Bread, Please
- Acts pt. 7: What's In It For Me?
- One Hundred Percent
- Acts pt. 8: All That I Have
- Acts pt. 9: Why Does This Surprise You?
- Acts pt. 10: Baptism In The Holy Spirit
- Away In A Manger pt. 1
- Away In A Manger pt. 2
- Away In A Manger pt. 3
- Predicting The Future
- Acts pt 11: The Bliss of Persecution
- 9 Axioms
- Acts pt. 12: The Church at its Greatest
- Acts pt. 13: You're Only Fooling Yourself
- Acts pt. 14: Be Mindful
- Acts pt. 15: Share The Love
- Acts pt. 16: Full of Grace
- Acts pt. 17: No Fakies
- Acts pt. 18: In Touch
- Acts pt. 19: For the Lost
- Acts pt. 20: From Here to There
- Palm Sunday: When Hope Comes to Town
- Easter: The Resurrection
- Acts pt. 21: Prepare and Go
- Guest Speaker: Garrett Kenyon
- Acts pt. 22: Peter's Revelation
- Acts pt. 23: The Church with Open Arms
- The Widow's Son
- Acts pt. 24: What's in a Name?
- Keys of the Kingdom
- Acts pt. 25: Pray Like You Mean It
- Acts pt. 26: Called to Serve
- Acts pt. 27: A Fact of Life
- Acts pt. 28: Sola Gratia
- Acts pt. 29: Blocked at Every Turn
- Acts pt. 30: Unknown to Known
- Acts pt. 31: Anchored
- Acts pt. 32: The Holy Spirit
- Acts pt. 33: Acts 20
- Acts pt. 34: Thy Will Be Done
- Acts pt. 35: Help! I'm Stressed And Stuck-What To Do When The Pressure Hits
- Acts pt. 36: Whitewashed Walls
- Acts pt. 37: The Time Is Now
- Acts pt. 38: Focused
- Acts pt. 39: Endurance
- Renew pt. 1: A Biblical Response to Mental Health
- Renew pt. 2: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
- Renew pt. 3: Life's Marshmallow Test
- Renew pt. 4: Set Free From Me
- A Heart for the World
- Guest Speaker: Dick Brogden
- Renew pt. 5: Wonderfully Complex
- Renew pt. 6: Wonderfully Complex (continued)
- Renew pt. 7: In The Gap
- Renew pt. 8: From Pain to Purpose
- A Thistle Gone to Seed
- Our Greatest Gift
- So This is Christmas
- The Gifts of Christmas
- Together Again
- The Unopened Present
- New Year's Realizations
- 21 for 21
- Cadence pt. 1: The Word and Prayer
- Cadence pt. 2: Personhood
- Cadence pt. 3: Fellowship
- Cadence pt. 4: Passion
- Love Is In The Air: What Is Love?
- Adult & Teen Challenge
- The First One: God
- The Second One: The Church
- The Third One: To the World
- Everyone on Mission
- Be The Spark
- Come and See!
- Palm Sunday
- Resurrection Sunday
- Now What? pt. 1: New Life
- Now What? pt. 2: Do The Work
- Now What? pt. 3: Let it Go
- Times of Refreshing
- Re-Revitalize pt. 1
- Re-Revitalize pt. 2
- Guest Speaker: Gary Hanson
- Chopping Down Giants
- Giving Hope
- Committed
- Who do you think you are?
- Incoming Call
- Counter Culture
- Living Martyrs
- Good Ground
- A Zillion Dollars
- Immeasurable Worth
- Right Foundations
- The Barren Fig Tree
- The Miraculous Equation
- Strike the Ground
- Veil is Torn
- ...they shall see God
- Empty Calories
- Two Natires
- Innocent Belief
- True Joy
- Seek and Save
- What if...?
- Wonderful Life
- The Altar of Reconciliation
- The Altar of Submission
- The Altar of Sacrifice
- The Altar of Worship
- The Altar of Decision
- The Altar of Presence
- Invest
- Vision - How do We Get There?
- Casinos, Keys, Cathedrals, and Questions
- Deconstructing the Good Samaritan
- God's Time
- The Andrew Project
- A Tale of two Crowds
- The Scandal of the Cross: Good Friday 2023
- Grace Upon Grace: Easter 2023
- Fleeces and Serendipity
- Dialed up at 11
- Voices: The Languages of God
- Embracing the Holy Spirit
- The Two Dimensions of the Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit Baptism
- Avenues of Healing
- Focus
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- Another Pentecost
- An Eternal Life
- Who Do You Think You Are?
- Unity
- Faith
- Worry
- The Secret Sauce
- NJ Teen Challenge
- The Good Shepherd
- God's Word
- Resting in Jesus
- Numbers 13
- Our Relationship with Time
- The Banquet
- Making Jesus Accessible
- Underdogs Part 1
- Underdogs Part 2
- The Generosity Gene
- Building the House God Desires
- A God Sized Vision
- Christ Among Us
- It's Time to Stop Spinning Your Wheels
- I Thank God For You
- Our Confident Hope
- God's Gifts
- Genuine Faith
- Prince of Peace
- King of Kings
- Light of the World
- Christmas Eve: God With Us
- Live Different
- Hunger and Thirst
- Knowing Jesus
- Reality
- The Greatest
- Mighty
- Prospered by God
- Out of Many, One
- Out of Many, One Part 2
- Reach Missions Tour
- One Small Step
- Looking Back or Moving Forward
- Palm Sunday
- Easter Sunday
- Desperate and on the Run
- Cave Dwelling
- The Voice of God
- Revenge: Dish Best Served Cold
- Torn Apart: Part 1
- Pentecost Sunday
- The Spirit: Who is He?
- The Spirit: Is He Pentecostal?
- Baptism in the Spirit
- Father's Day 2024
- After the Baptism
- Truth - First Things First
- Truth - Like a Candle
- What is Truth?
- God is Truth
- Come to me all who are weary
- ...I will make you fishers of men
- Rich Young Ruler
- Jesus at the Center
- Biblical Worship
- Embracing Community
- Being A Disciple
- Romans Part 1: The Power and Purpose
- Romans Part 3: The Reality of our sin and His Righteousness
- Romans Part 4: God's Judgement
- Romans Part 5: God's Righteousness and the Law
- Live on Mission
- Your Unwavering Yes
- Seedtime and Harvest
- A Road to Somewhere
- Romans Part 6: Keeping Up Appearances
- God Has a Plan
- Behold a Future Hope
- Behold: Opening the Door
- Behold: The Keys of the Kingdom
- I'll Start Tomorrow
- The Law Rightly Used
- The Good News
- Momentum Shift
- I Can't Do it on My Own
- What I'm Teaching My Son About Money
- The Prototype
Series Info
One Small Step (0)
Sunday, March 10, 2024
One Small Step

Spencer Click
Lead Pastor